Translating/...영어51 [ENGOO] 일본에서는 경찰에게 체포된 5명 중 1명은 노인이다 1 in 5 People Arrested in Japan Are Seniors The number of crimes reported in Japan is falling — but 22% of people arrested are now aged 65 and over, according to a report by the government. Fewer crimes were reported in 2019 than in any year since the end of World War II, and just over 192,000 people were arrested, a decrease of more than 6% from 2018. Out of everyone arrested, more than 42,000 .. 2022. 2. 6. [TED-ED] 한개의 우주선만 살릴 수 있다면? You can only save one - who should you choose? You are the captain of the Mallory 7, an interstellar cargo transport. On your way to the New Lindley spaceport, you receive a distress call. There’s been an explosion on the Telic 12 and its passengers are running out of oxygen. As you set a course to intercept, you check the Telic 12′s manifest. It’s currently transporting 30 middle-aged individua.. 2022. 1. 29. [ENGOO] 50세 이후 대학 수업을 듣게되면 인지력 감퇴 속도를 늦출 수도 있다 Taking College Courses After 50 May Slow Cognitive Decline It's never too late to go to school. In fact, studying a college course at 50 or over could slow cognitive decline, a new Australian study has found. The research — which was done over seven years on the island state of Tasmania — looked at how taking college-level courses would affect the cognitive function of 383 adults who were betwee.. 2022. 1. 26. [ENGOO] 효과적으로 조언을 하는 방법 How to Give Feedback the Right Way We all have to give feedback sometimes — whether it's at work, in our relationships, or when we're doing something creative. Good feedback should help someone do better at something, so it's important to give it in a way that has value for the person receiving it. Here's how to get started: Be Mindful of the Other Person's Feelings When planning what to say, fo.. 2022. 1. 22. [ENGOO] 화산 분화 이후 통가에 발생한 피해는 미지로 남아있다 Damage on Tonga Remains Unknown After Eruption The tsunami threat around the Pacific Ocean from a huge undersea volcanic eruption is receding, but the extent of the damage on the tiny island nation of Tonga remains unknown. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Sunday afternoon that New Zealand and Australia are ready to send aid to Tonga, but need to establish what assistance and suppl.. 2022. 1. 17. [ENGOO] Research Finds No Good Evidence Hangover Cures Work There's bad news for anyone who suffers from hangovers: research from the UK says there's no strong scientific evidence that many cures work. Researchers from King's College London reviewed 21 studies from a number of different countries on the effectiveness of different hangover cures. The hangover cures tested in the studies included things like red ginseng anti-hangover drink, Asian pear juic.. 2022. 1. 11. [ENGOO] Liking Black Coffee, Dark Chocolate May Be Genetic Liking Black Coffee, Dark Chocolate May Be Genetic Do you like dark chocolate and black coffee? A new study from Northwestern Medicine has found that if you do, it might be because of your genes. The study was published in Scientific Reports, and looked at data from almost 220,000 people in the UK and US. Participants were asked questions about how they drank their coffee, including whether they.. 2022. 1. 8. [ENGOO] Survey: 95% of Young People Worry About Climate Change Survey: 95% of Young People Worry About Climate Change Climate change is having a negative effect on the mental health of young people around the world, a new study has found. Published in The Lancet Planetary Health, the study surveyed 10,000 young people aged 16-25 from 10 different countries, including Australia, Brazil, Nigeria, the Philippines, the UK and the US. Participants were asked abo.. 2022. 1. 5. [ENGOO] When Given Money, Low-Income Parents Spend More on Their Kids When Given Money, Low-Income Parents Spend More on Their Kids A study from Washington State University has found that when low- and middle-income parents were given money to spend on whatever they liked, they spent more on their children. The study was published in Social Forces and used data from the yearly Consumer Expenditure Survey, which asks Americans about their expenses. The study looked.. 2021. 12. 30. [ENGOO] Do You Suffer From 'Presenteeism' at Work? Do You Suffer From 'Presenteeism' at Work? Have you ever been unwell but went to work anyway? If so, you're not alone. Showing up to the office when you're sick is known as presenteeism. It's a difficult problem to measure, but it seems to be on the rise in some countries. For example, a UK study by the health insurance company Vitality found that 45% of workers said they suffered from presentee.. 2021. 12. 20. [ENGOO] Poor at Remembering Faces? You Might Be ‘Face Blind’ Poor at Remembering Faces? You Might Be 'Face Blind' If you have a bad memory for faces, you might have prosopagnosia, also known as "face blindness." The word comes from Greek, where prosopon means "face" and agnosia means "not knowing." There are two types of prosopagnosia. "Acquired prosopagnosia" is caused by brain damage, while people with "developmental prosopagnosia" just never developed .. 2021. 12. 2. [ENGOO] How to Beat ‘Impostor Syndrome’ How to Beat 'Impostor Syndrome' Have you experienced impostor syndrome? It's that feeling that you might be a fraud, that you don't belong, or that you're not as good as people think you are. Maybe you got a promotion or won an award, but instead of celebrating, you feel like you really just tricked everybody — and someone might find out. Estimates have found that about 70% of us experience impo.. 2021. 11. 29. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음